Wednesday, January 12, 2011

potong kuku nah!

do i love shopping?DAMN straight i do!am i a shopaholic?this is the one question that i keep on asking i a shopaholic?the meaning of shopaholic itself is "a compulsive shopper" meaning that shopping is compulsory to one individual.well i can say that shopping is an activity i do to make me feel better and happy.does that count as a compulsory shopper?well i dont think so,yay me!i'm shopaholic free! hahah well i'd say shopping is my best hobby ever!hambek hobby.hobby pula membawa maksud "an activity done regularly in one's leisure time for pleasure" haa boleh la shopping ni di senaraikan dalam list hobby aku.hmm i can go for a week weh to shop at one place.yes it took me a week to shop at one place.ish2 -.- tu pon x cukup lagi.i just love bying things to please myself.weh teruk lah aku ni.hmm masalah ni haruslah saya kurangkan ye.insyaallah.

so today i met ciya and actually talked to her.haha sebelum nie cm hesitate sebab takut salah orang oh and it turns out that nana is here too.hehe nnt boleh laa lepak epak insyaallah.aha!rumors spreads so fast kan,and the latest one is maybe just maybe this semester break will be like for 6 months tops!i don't know why.well basically we'll end this semester on the 19th march maybe or 20 something and cuti smpai bulan 9 kot.x tau la napa lama sangat tp dorang kate nak diselaraskan dengan pelajar overseas.kalau lah betul kan,i'm still thinking what to do at home,mereka mereka ajak i kerja kat genting but x tau la lagi kan,cuti ni pon x confirm kalau cuti these are the list on what to do in the holidays :)

  • finish my license.
  • re-take that exam -.-
  • shop shop shop!
  • off to bali with tasha and sheryn.
  • off to london with fidi maybe.
  • off to europe with kak teah.*kalau kak ten pon cuti yer.*
  • work out!
  • study hard!
  • stay out of trouble.
hahhah x boleh belah punya list mcm ddk upper east side habis*flips hair.haha ala ni semua rancangan SAHAJA.tuhan yang tentukan perjalanan hidup kita kan,so yup rancang je la then.for fun je pon.haa about the rumor,so meaning aku habis deg diumur 20 la,gila lambat kan?haih.whatever it is,i'll try lah my best to get apa yang aku nak and i promise you,i'll work fucking hard to stay consistent.and and there's a side effect due to my work out last night.badan sengal sengal weh -.- hmm bila nari teringat kat the girls mase kat worldstage.hahaha adoi.kelakar okay!hmm sweet memories to be remembered forever!kbai.

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