so im sure that most of u out there are well aware of the problem i'm facing with which is lack of sleep.i've been working on it and "it" refers to make proper my sleeping schedule,however failed due to the temptation of my beautiful well arranged room and my fluffy bed with all these pillows.aaaa syurga dunia kata miyah.okay too much info there.well the point is,the reason why i cant sleep at night and im quite sure of it as well is because i sleep in the day.see,when u can't sleep at night kan u like wanna balas dendam then u tido waktu tido waktu siang is something i wanna or the precise word is i need to avoid buat mase ini untuk dapat kan jadual tido yang sempurna kembali.time finals,sleeping wasnt at all dalam list.basically through out the week,x smpai 24 hours aku tdo.yeah that's finals x blh juga.daym -.- miyah just gave me some new info's about the dark circle living under my eyes.antara sebab sebab nya lingkaran gelap ni suka ddk bawah mata saya ialah :
- dehydration dimana menghadapi kekurangn air dalam badan.
- kekurangn vitamin c.
- x cukup tdo.
- masalah kesihatan
- stress
- keturunan/genetic.
jadi disini,yang telah saya bold kan adalah due faktor yang sedang saya hadapi.yes,i stayed a little too long in front of my dearest laptop untuk tumblr the sims twitter.mereka la yang membantu saya tika bosan namun juga sbb utama saya x tdo.i need to be back on the track pon jap lg aku pass out la.tadi slept at 22 terbgn pukul 23 sbb nak buka pintu untuk kakak and up until now havent slept yet.this is getting worse.sekarang mmg makin teruk.habislah aku.minx maaf wahai wajah kesayangn hamba.
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