photographer ina.hahah
from left:seraf,kakak,kak ten me and jaja.
hey hey hey waddap mathamuckter.*krik krik.okay so here's whats up.baru je pulang dari plam beach or should i say teluk chempedak hihihi :) it was fun althogh we just sit and kunyah.we u ask?okay the lovely bride to be,my sis,ina kak aten seraf and of course the lil diva miss jaja kite.we went there and ordered kfc which the service sucks to the fullest weh!gila lambat punya but apa yang penting dapt juga rezeki alhamdulillah :) so then we searched for a parking place to park our car and jalan smpai ke tepi pantai.haa mula lah sesi mengunyah disitu :) makan punya makan,gelak punya gelak,tiba lah mase untuk beransur o and i jumped from the bench sebab ade lipas yang lajunya macam lipan.boleh?cool gila kan.and kawasan tu punya la besar papan tandanya kate "ini zon sifar sampah" namun bila kami menoleh disebelah ambek nahh bertimbun sampah.hmm itulah dia rakyat malaysia.xde kate sepakat langsung.susah sangat nak obey undang undang walaupon besar semut.remember people,a little change a day can help the world to be a better place for all of us.so,mari lah kita sama sama ikut ye.oh and walaupon sampah bekas kfc dibuang kan ke mcdonald but hey,at least kitorang buang and sampah semua end kat tempat yang sama.so,x kira la dimana korang berade,make a change :)
hmm selesai sudh majlis pertunangan akak aku and i'm happy for her.kbai
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