Monday, February 28, 2011
slip through
it's the last day of february.well it'stotally different with i've been through in may but alhamdulillah everything comes from Allah and who am i to stop lie's getting pretty cool i discover one thing.whenever u feel lonely,always find a friend to comfort u.they are the best.i'm glad i had them with me.tanpa mereka semua saya rasa sungguh lifeless.kalau anda rase sedih,pergi cri kawan nnt mesti lupa punya.tu la yang aku buat bila bersama mereka.ehehe x sabaq aih nak habis exam aku nak p penang dengan depa!kbai.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
x boleh belah boleh ?
catch me if you can.
sebab aku x puas meluahkan perassan betapa cerita catch me if you can ni best thus i will talk about it here.yes i updated my status on facebook and tweeted about it tapi masih x puas.cerita ini sangat best nak mampos!da lama d a cerita ni x silap cause my late father bought this movie dulu mase form 1 ke mase i darjah 6 sangat :') memang sampai speechless la.heheh ingat ke bosan kan smpai bukan dalam list to watch pon adoi.nasib la tetiba tergerak hati nak tengok.semua ade sedih klaka happy heheh.haih asal cm poyo je ayat aku tapi memang patut tengok siapa yang x tengok lagi pon.mase awal die cm abit bored but lepas suku baru tengok korang rase nak tengk sampai habis like what happened to me just now.aku x tau napa aku sanagt kagum weh dengan cerita ni.-.- aku suka tau dok????aku suka sampai mati.hahaha hmm best cerita ni,napa lah x tengok dari lepas ni korang semua harus cuba tengok cerita ini ye.memang sangat best okay!!!cuba la cuba la cuba la.:) oh and it is based on a true story so memang interesting gila2.
coloured my hair and lovin it but i actually wanted it to be more noticeable but it's okay i'm happy :)
Friday, February 25, 2011
around the world.
hai bloggers!:) just came back from sungai petani for some shopping with farahana ziqah mun and yana naik kancil.x shop mana la tapi.went to village mall for luch oh before that yes test law da habis :) seperti biase saya x asti 100% dengan jawapan saya :) so,da smpai village mall makan kat pizza hut tadi.kenyang yang amat.then straight naik kat atas nak tengok wayang ingat nak tgk burlesque tetapi ternampak NO STRINGS ATTACHED and i tell you la,it was so damn worth watching.aku suka aku suka!!!heheh hmm "if you come any closer,i'll neer let you go" awww :')
hmm sangat best cerita tu i suka.okay ha tix die.:) ye saya tau x perlu tayangkan namun "grand cineplax" okay,kau ade?haha -.- habis je tengok and semua was like "weh!bestnya!aku nak laki macm die!" kate farahana.haha pastu baru je nak turun escalator ternampak satu kedai yang baru dan cm lain dari yang lain.yes cm cntk.then i perhatikan lama2,wow ade macarons bhai!siapa sangka di merbok ni ade macarons!phew, ceh heheh saya dan rakan rakan pon masuk la ke dalam kedai tersebut.die cm cafe juga.boleh lepak semu,situ owner die ade minah salleh yang skolah international tu cantik kot.tapi x tau la tu omputeh ke x,kot darah campuran ke kan,okay that's not the point.boyfie die hensem weh!an american yang sangat comel.dan buka kedai kat merbok.hmmmm okay that's not the point either-.- hmm kedai tu ade like 8 jenismacs but i x ingat nama2 die lah,4 da habis heheheh so tinggal lagi 4 je la :) sedap juga rase die,dan berharga rm 4 each.agak mahal la kan berbanding macarons di harrods dan whisk kl.tu je la yang aku kesal skali namun nak beli sebab nak merase :)
pah ni lepak sana lah.haha *perlu ke?*hmm okay la then habis kat sana pergi tesco pula beli barang barang dapor.haa i bought myself pewarna rambut.hehehe malam kang i nak warna and tengok la outcome die cm ne esok.mampoih la kalau x sesuai dengan aku-.- x pe da beli pon redha :) itu sahaja kbai :)
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
rindu x rindu.
aku baru balik dari kelas :) masuk bilik apa lagi online lah.baru je buka facebook,ade status baru dari akk aku "aku da update blog-i miss my dad" bace je perkataan dad memang aku interested nak bace,ade juga la yang masih ingat ayah aku.-.- bila aku bace kan,aku rase sangat sedih dan cemburu sebab aku x pernah rapat dengan ayah aku.aku sangat malu dengan ayah aku.tapi bila aku bace blog die,aku memori dulu datang kembali.ayah aku seorang yang penyayang rupanya dalam senyap,die x pernah la nak belai rambut ke hape,tu memang bukan care ayah aku tunjuk kasih sayang die is bawa kita travel and all,bagi nasihat semua.yes,tapi tu semua aku take for granted.tapi ade benda yang aku x pernah lupa.ayah aku pernah tiba2 tanya "adik,do you want to be a leader or a follower?" aku jawab lah follower.then ayah aku cakap bagus.pastu pula bila ckp psl pelajaran "adik,do you want to be a big fish in a small tank or a small fish in a big tank?" aku pon jawab a big fish n a small tank!*bangga jawapan betoi* :) ayah aku bangga kot dengan jawapan aku sebab die senyap pastu.:) heh then sekarang alhamdulillah la,aku dapat jadi apa yang aku jawab.dulu aku pernah dapat markah paling tinggi untuk sains dalam kelas mase form 1.gila gembira okay..:) jenis adik bradik aku ni,bila studies cam terel semua cita kat ayah nak bagi ayah bangge dapat anak macam kami.-.- then aku pon tunggu ayah aku smpai tertido tido haa tunggu die balik kerja. nmpk je ayah masuk rumah terus terjaga "ayah!ueen dapt highest in class for science!" then ayah aku senyum ckp "haa boleh la anak ayah jadi scienctist" malangnya aku sangat down lepas ayah meninggal dan seterusnya sangt amek remeh dengan pelajaran dan aku turun dengan mendadaknya :D.huh!aku sangat bersyukur sebab tuhan bagi aku pluang untuk berade di u nie,kalau diikutkan aku memang x layak,tetapi takdir dah tentukan begini,aku sangat bersyukur.kini aku x lagi amek benda dengan remehnya dan aku tau ayah sangat bangge ngan aku dari jauh insyaallah.aku sangat rindukn ayah.alfatihah kbai
Monday, February 21, 2011
crying is the only way for me to let it all out.nak cerita?dekat siapa?nak jerit?dekat mana?.things have been playing all day in my mind that i feel like a lunatic.smpai satu tahap aku fikir sampai ke puncak tadi dalam kelas,rase nak jerit tetapi air mata je yang boleh tunjuk semua kesengsaraan aku*yes i know ayat abit dramatic*.don't call me selfish for what i've done cause you know siapa yang paling selfish dalam situasi ni.if she misses me and can't go on life without me then choose me.but what i see now is that she can really survive without having me beside her.i am so afraid to go home.i don't know why but for sure i know i'll cry of depression every single night like i always do.home for me is nothing.cause theres no one with's empty everytime.i tried thinking of the positive times and things but it always end up being negative cause thats just the way it is.i'm happy when i'm not home please don't come and try distracting me.aku da okay kat sini macam ni,i don't want anymore influence from home.duduk kat rumah pon kene fake je tiap hari.happiness ngn korang la yang halang aku dari sedih.without korang aku misrable yes i admit,tp sekarang semua da berubah.aku da x de perasaan rindu untuk balik.what happened really changed my point of view about some point i am being selfish although i don't want to be like this.deep in my heart i pray kalau aku dapt jadi matang macam kau kot aku boleh terima ni semua.but it's just too fast.and i'm just not like you and never will*mungkin kalau tuhan buka pintu hati ueen* but y ueen boleh je nak berubah ikut orang but orang x boleh nak consider things for me?now u guys are being selfish.bottom line,i was always right about home.just try being in my shoes for a change.kita kene la amek kira semua orang punya perasaan.bukan sorang je.
i am so not happy with what i'm going through right now.I WANT MY FATHER ISMAIL MOHD ISA no matter what one boleh digantikan dengan ayah if ade pon consider yourself a stranger in my life forever.jangan harap aku nak buat baik ngn kau.x de are not invited anywhere.i fucking hate you home wrecker!boleh pergi mampos.
hmm ni yang anda semua nak dengar kan?there i've said it.that guy boleh mampos.if benda yang jadi bukan la aku suka thus i am so not gonna be the old ueen.
andai itu takdirnya.
psychology done :D now nak focus on law puleks :) hmm to be blunt,not thinking about home makes me stronger each day.don't blame me foe my silence cause this is the only way for me to concentrate on what i'm doing.i prefer not knowing anything back there than knowing everything can fuck my baik senyap je.good thing i dont have a phone now kalau x,memang x boleh nak study.jangan ingat ueen senyap mcm ni ueen depress well ade la kan but not most of it la.ade la yang masih waras.-.- just that like i said,kalau pk pasal rumah x boleh nak focus.dari aku berangan baik aku ddk jauh dari sumber yeah.mcm tu lah.
sbb aku x nak jadi anak derhaka la aku menjauhkan diri sesungguhnya aku tau tuhan sahaja yang tau apap yang aku akan lakukan kalau berade dirumah.alhamdulillah dengan kejayaan sekarang yang ALLAH kurniakan pada aku sebagai satu distracion.semua benda ade sebab dia jadi,so ini lah die hikmah untuk aku.aku redha ya ALLAH.aku terima apa jua ujianmu namun kau tabahkan lah hamba mu ini untuk melalui segala liku kehidupan.aku x kuat ya ALLAH.kalau ditakdirkan begitu,kau bukakanlah pintu hati aku untuk terima keadaan ini supaya perasaan benci ini boleh berkurungan.aku x nak menjadi golongan orang2 yang derhaka pada ibu.kalau hanya satu caranya untuk kau buka pintu hati aku iaitu dengan perubahan ku?kau tenangkan fikiran aku dan kau juga perluaskan kesabaran ku untuk terima semua ini.jalan mu adalah jalanku makanya ya ALLAH.aku bersrah.amin
Friday, February 18, 2011
empty la sangat.
i apologize for posting about emotions lately.i just don't know why i've been so messed up about everything.i keep on thinking about the worse that i don't have any space untuk the best.i hate living in depression.i know i shouldn't have but what choice do i have when all that's left is fuck?!aiyo!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
present past future.
memories of my father da semakin pudar dalam ingatan.aku da semakin x kenal dengan ISMAIL MOHD ISA.yes,once a father of mine,a person yang bawa kami sekeluarga merata tempat.orang yang mengenalkan aku dengan dunia.orang yang sering bagi semangat kalau ade benda yang berlaku and also a person who says i love you in his eyes.i miss this person a lot.but everything about him is like running away from me slowly,bit by bit.kadang kadang rase macam my life baru nak start and ismail is someone yang i x pernah kenal.okay it's been like 5 years till my father went away.when i was 14 lah kan.kalau nak diikutkan hanya 2 tahun je la yang aku baru nak start rapat ngan ayah aku.lagi 12 tahun tu aku malu dengan ayah aku,don't know why.tapi sebenarnya 14 tahun juga la yang aku x brape nak rapat ngn my dad.i wasnt a spoilt brat lah when with my father sebab die cm garang so i ngan my mum pon x rapat sangat.lepas ayah da xde la baru satu family nak rapat.huh,i regret gila the time when my father cuba nak rapt ngan i but i took him for la sape la yang tau kalau orang tu nak pergi don't know what u have until it's gone kan.bia da xde mula nak meraung dalam bilik lah,menangis sebelum tido la.but experience had made me a stronger person.i know for one thing lah.that my dad is so proud of me right now insyaallah.
whatever happens ayah,you'll always be in my mind.although i can't hear your voice or feel your touch nor can you kiss me good night but you image will be fresh as a fresh orange squished in my mind.WALAU APA PON yang terjadi.x de siapa boleh ganti are my only father and always will be.there's no other person yang boleh ganti your place.
hmm alfatihah..
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
the flow.
assalamualaikum :) hmm to sum up for this week's's too much and what i can say is,it's been a very busy week but alhamdulillah slowly i can lah juga catch now i've done my law assignment,and now doing my research for forum malam karang insyaallah study for test saiko ahad ni and print semua yang da buat untuk forum then siapkan law nak menampal je tinggal then habis minggu ni,habis test saiko semua boleh la saya study untuk test law pula :) then 24th 25h 26th nanti i jadi volunteer untuk debat piala pengarah :) it's going to be so so so cool!heheh we'll just wait and see,sepatutnya these days ni i pergi holiday ke penang tetapi sijil punya pasal nak la aku volunteer eheheh maybe g penang after finals :) but kalau kene balik awal then no penang hols for us lah -.- haih.xpe2,sem depan ke langkawi pula satu kelas :)))) hehehhe and juga sem depan sem akhir so goodbye to uitm kedah and hello to uitm s.alam insyaallah.bur first!muet dulu :) hmm x sabar pula nak balik cuti sem.cuti pon nanti aku bz juga -.- haih sabaq sahaja lah.xpe2 aku sangat bersemangat sekarang ni:) kbai
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Saturday, February 12, 2011
mahkamah lorong.
happy saturday!i'm gonna sleep like there's no tmorrow okay baby!jangan ganggu oh wait,esok kene pergi booth pula-.- anywhoo,hahah haa i wanna talk about the sketch.yeah we didn't win but managed to get 3rd place:) memang saya mengaku benda kulam kabut gila tetapi alhamdulillah dengan kerjasama boleh la kurangkan kekulam kabut-ness.hehehe it was so fun and totally didn't end up like we thought it would be but better :) hmm walaupon dapat 2nd runner up but alhamdulillah is all i can say.:) i'm so so happy gila gila that i get to work with all these cool people.:) and mahkamah lorong was great! funny and all.i wanna know kucing kurap's name ;') sob sob tapi x pe.macam yang aku ckp la "kalau ade jodoh jumpe lagi ye dok" kan ke senang :) okay la akhir kate saya sangat gembira sketch da habis,sekarang harus saya tumpukan perhatian untuk test library dan saiko serta holiday ke penang with gals!yeah baby! here i come !:) kbai
Friday, February 11, 2011
old blossom box.
hey hey :) so by reading the title above you guys should've already know what i'm gonna talk about.yes you over there, miss Jazmine Zaidan.heh.remember i was posting about corporate grooming that corporate grooming this?yes,Jazmine Zaidan was the person who did the was okay and fun but didn't had enough time to ask more questions kat die and i didn't get my one to one time with her ngeh ngeh hehe.hmm tapi x pe,oh and goodie bags pon x dpt nyah!but boleh la hari ni aku akan ingt smpai bila2 sebab ehem ehem*spotlight please,oh and drum rolls.*hhaha mase nak beratur tangkap gambar ngan die,*sbb mase pergi kedai die,i refused to akibat malu T_T*then mase next was me die ckp "eh,i like your style la,i suka gila,tapi x cukup hadiah sorry eh?tapi mmg i suka:)" muahahahhaha heheh okay bagi anda diluar sana biase sahaja?x pe.kau ade?!heh ye la memang la bukan tyra banks but do you have a fashion background to top it off?heh i was happy sebab fashion designer yang praise kan,so once a person from fashion ckp care kita pakai die suka then we're on the right track i kalau x right pon at least now i feel better lah,x de la i asyik rase org kate aku owva -.- maybe that's a something i'd like to think everyday *gila saiko* x lah,hehe the date today is 11th feb 2011 on friday.muahahah hmm
okay enough being syok sendiwi.sikalang wa mau ckp yang wa sangat ketar okay untuk malam ni!huh,takut takut takut!takut x jadi.and ingat nak pergi law talk tetapi penat and pukul 4 nanti ade perjumpaan kat dewan serbaguna -.- gila la mlm kul 8 semuanya bermula.mesti aku asyik kentut kentut je.and have i told you that i have bad anxiety?bila aku cuak i tend to like nak muntah smpai terkeluar ayaq mata then syik kentut.tanya farhana die sebagai mangsa bau kentut.hahahahah okay sangat x senonoh-.- hmm what else?let's see,oh well today ade la kenal2 dengan org2 baru seperti due budak diploma then dapat tengok orang orang yang pndai bergaya tadi.memang ramai gila and special thanks to tasya sbb die sudi tangkap gambaq ngan saya and that she's so cute weh!!!hehehe
to sum everything up,hmm okay la semuanya.i'm quite happy :) well see you in shah alam everyone :)kbai
Thursday, February 10, 2011
be normal.
hello good evening fellas.watcha doing?okay tanya pon bukan ada orang nak jawab.*haktuih!*hahah.okay tenang2 i take that back-.- saya baru sahaja habis latihan sketch and tomorrow my group will be the first to peform dup dap dup dap la kan T__T hmm tp x mengapa.then waktu siangnya pula ade corporate grooming :)) heh x boleh belah .don't know what to wear pon lagi pon kene pakai formal but i think i THINK i know lah kot what to wear.oh and another thing.i'm so curious about little girls wanting to be adults so bad that they play dress up and start to have the feeling of kissing someone.*sangat x cool okay-inianwarhadi-* huh ye lah kitorang yang da tua i punya la nak avoid ni,kalau boleh nak bekukan mase x nak bagi aku tua tp kalau beku nanti semua x gerak so haa x de alternative da-.- i mean living life only takes once in your life time.your time will come.don't rush things lah.time kecik act like budak kecik bila da besar then it's up to you la nak act cm ne pon.relax da la wahai budak budak yang x cukup umur lagi ni aku tengok,budak budak kecik skola rendah pakai make up lah,tu status kat facebook tu,in a relationship?i mean hello!apa pasallll????haih,usah kate tu,ade je yang isap rokok namun bentuk physical very the kecik tau.warna rambut lagi,nak rempit sane rempit ni.haiyak.soon everyone pon akan membesar.mase akan berlalu juga.sabar la till the time comes.what you have to do now,is play your role.jangan curi someone else's.x payah la nak gedik gedik dengan bf ke hapeh da pasni.da besar kawen 10 anak habis cerita-.-kbai :)
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
mineral's cool
hello potato!:) i miss you my bloggy.huh don't really have anything to talk about la lately.i've been daydreaming all the time mannn,all the time that i barely have anything to think about.well insyaallah tomorrow i'll be posting something la kot.esok after class dalam pukul 3.50 pm ade rehearse untuk sketch.then balik then ade kelas then latihan and balik oh didnt i mentioned to you guys that i'll be answering my mid term test tomorrow?i better get sleeping now to make my brain work!kbai
Monday, February 7, 2011
hey readers :) *krik krik.okay moving on,see what i'm holding in this picture?a psycho clown!heheeh my sisters bought it for me.thank you :') hmm i've been sleeping with it since.heh.just got back from a few lectures and like what i thought it would be,my head wasn't in class at was like i was just a mannequin je dalam kelas tapi otak pikiaq lain and it concludes that i didn't gain any knowledge for today :) thanks to you woman :) huh -.- hmm why me?why now?x paham aku.i thank ALLAH for giving me the full patience that i needed.cause i know it would be uglier if it wasn't for my patience.activity seperti jerit menjerit,carut mencarut serta tampar menampar pasti berlaku :) tapi x pe,semua da lepas pon.aku da janji dengan diri aku yang aku x kan pikir lagi pasal kau,aku x de nak kisah da seperti apa yang kau buat kat aku semalam and yeah my love towards you cam da pudar gila gila if you're still with him lah kan.deep down memang ambo sayang mu lagi tapi nak buat cm ne dok.orang da x suka kita move on je :) haa cm tu lah,after what happened,aku da tawar hati sangat sangat.kau nak buat apa buat lah.jangan babitkan aku.from now on,let's just stay as friends.not are now officially a stranger to me.i'm sorry but you made your choice.i ikut je :)
yes i definitely smiled while typing :)
slipped through.
it's sad knowing that you mean nothing to the person you love most.but that will never be my excuse to not moving on.with what i have,i'll pursuit my dreams and live happily insyaallah.but i just hope that 1 day she'll realize what she's done.
list of hatred.
life as we know doesn't get any easier instead it gets harder like duh!huh,it's been a roller coaster lately but insyaallah i'll put it aside cause it's not important seriously not at all.i don't mind sebab after what happened,i don't think that you care about me either so buat apa aku penat2 nak sebok la terik perhatian kau.
you've made your've chosen and that is what you'll get.:) oh no i won't stop yah but aku takut kau la yang rugi.loosing me memang x sama so kau sayang die lagi kan okay :) from now on,don't talk to me,nak tengok hmm tengok lah see if i care.nak sentuh?better not,nak sedih sedih bukan disini.yes,i'm not the old ueen.cause you've changed me a lot man.alot i tell's not the matter of me making alot of sins but u asked it baby yeah you did.sorry :) you want it that way?i have no problem doing fact i'm happy.x pe long i have all my supporters behind me yeah i can breathe :) you don't wanna be apart of it?no my problem anymore also.ikut hang la.hang da besaq.pikiaq la mana yang patut hang pilih nah.nak "A" haa "A" je la yang u'll get.jangan paggil aku kurang ajar cause what goes around comes around.
:) kbai
Saturday, February 5, 2011
palm beach.
photographer ina.hahah
from left:seraf,kakak,kak ten me and jaja.
hmm selesai sudh majlis pertunangan akak aku and i'm happy for her.kbai
kakak's engagement ceremony :)
hello peepos :) today's post is gonna be about what i've been talking about these past few days :) and that is *drum roll please* ehem ehem,like the title above lah kan.kakak punya majlis pertunangan translated.ade banyak lagi gambaq namun x kan nak upload semua ini yang terpilih and i know i'm not that beautiful but wadafak ehehhe :)
view me.
good night ladies and gentlemen :) today i discovered a new vlogger on youtube named anwar hadi.and if you wanna watch him click this link inianwarhadi. i kinda like him cause he's cool la kan.heh best juga video video beliau and so please do click the button above.hmm ott,nothing new sangat la besides my sister is going to be engaged.tu sahaja and everyone is making it such a big deal well memang la kan but.huh no buts yeah ye lah anak sulong kan,nak la buat yang terbaik :) oh and i'm happy for myself cause finally i managed to buy my own anak tudung syiria :) cool aite yeah i know :) heh.modeef*bak kate teetiak.* aku letak gamabaq ni? saja eh,sala ke sayang ?heh,bucan ilew ilew bhai!hmm x la bosan mana biase je but ntoh la.i think it's because of the weather.kbai
Thursday, February 3, 2011
i'm a hero!
alhamdulillah i safely arrived at bukit jalil and now in kuantan pula:) alhamdulillah kbai
it's very hard to change something that's so solid from your past.but if there's someone out there had succeed,how did you guys did it?just by moving on?but it keeps on coming back.ignore?but i'm not strong enough.there i've said it.yes i'm strong to just forget something from the past in a ought i get over this?i'm going to be an adult in no time.but here i am,so hard to leave it behind.please please please give me the strength.
hemmm....what else?it's 04.52 and i'm still up.kbai
by bus.
a long journey dari kedah ke kuala lumpur and the bus was so hot!no air-cond kat tempat aku boleh ? memang berpeluh la kan plus sakit kepala and sangat x sabar pulang ke rumah.and heheh sesampai je dalam kereta terus ke pavilion.happy gila la seperti biase kan :) hehe esok nak shop lagi and tomorrow je la yang ade.insyaallah dapat la.:))) i'm happy sangat sangat heheh hmm what else yang nak di update?hmm nothing da kot.kbai
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
courts in malaysia.
welcome february :) i hope you'll treat me as good as january did.heh,but not that good.guess what?i have to appeal dekat court uitm nanti.the reason?for not going to the "bengkel muet" -.- sangat mengecewakan.kesalahan sem lepas dibawa ke sem ini.haiyakkk!sabar je this will be my first time being sentenced for something i have forgotten and sangat x de dalam memori hidup aku da-.- adoi but the good thing is,i'll get the experience of being in a court room.well not exactly a court room like high court lah but i'm sure the process is the same.hmm can't wait pula dibuatnya.i'll be in the court on the 17th feb.wait for me yah?see you in court.hahahaahh*x klakar pon-.- haa apa lagi perkembangan aku?14th ni ade test library,20th test!oh and i'll be home for like 5 days kot for CNY.kbai
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