so who's with me?come on people,it's the only fully furnished house yang really have a flat screen tv,a fridge,a perfect kitchen,perfect rooms,washing machine.closets?toilets?a balcony?it's perfect :').but if we were to let the house go.i'd be devastated.but of course i have to get over it.hmm at least i know there's a cute spouse,living in a beautiful house and is so determined to make the people renting their house,feel like home.
Friday, June 29, 2012
never thought that looking for housemates could be so difficult.and stressed.stressed?yes.stressed.i thought that everything was fine and looking for a house is easy.but it turned out to be totally different from what i have to be really really committed with this.shit just got real dude.i'm so lost right now.the house is worth's nice.but let's put aside for the fact that it's nice,beautiful,perfect.the distance to uitm is quite far.the bus station is quite far.the area?okay,opposite the masjid.near with all kinds of the only problem now is we need more people,and a car.i really hope that i get a heads up from mum to bring the car'll be fine despite the least 1 problem,solved.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
everyone's a sleep.awww omel anat.hmm you know how i'm friends with skinny people?COINCIDENCE.aku bukan lah seorang yang memilih kawan.bila difkirkan rakan rapat aku semuanya petite dan kurus.kadang kadang aku rase mcm giant bila jalan dengan dorang sbb mereka teramatlah kecil.hihih tapi ketinggian aku ni tak de lah tinggi mana pon.tapi xpe,berkawan dengan orang yang cantik molek dan bergaya membuatkan diri ini terasa bertuah.alhamdulillah mereka juga tidak memilih.
apa yang saya nak sampaikan disini start lusa :). 50% cakap diri ini dah ready lagi 50% cakap 'dufuuq ueen?hang ready tang mana?' haa cenggitu lah.aku yakin kita semua boleh buat.x nak aku sangkut kat sem 1 -.-.
oh ye dan lagi satu,aku baru perasan sejak meningkat dewasa ni ehem.aku jadi x lekat bila ddk bilik orang.aku dulu seorang yang jarang gila lekat kat rumah sedari kecil.aku lebih rapat dengan rakan rakan berbanding aku lame -.- hihi rumah walaupon berjiran,aku selalu nak tidur rumah dorang.dorang pon gembira lah akan kehadiran princess yang seringkali buat perut mereka terburai atas gelakan yang melampau kerana lawak yang aku bentangkan is OH SO FUNNAYH.yes i am hilarious.LOL.....padahal..haha haa cm tu lah.aku suka sangt tidur rumah kwan dulu.tapi sejak asasi rasanya.bila aku ckp 'weh mlm ni nak tidur bilik kau'? semua tidak lagi percaya.first dulu attempt nak tidur bilik alyia.pastu pukul 3 nak ke 4 aku pon buka pintu pulang ke bilik sendiri.ade lah lebih 2 kali aku cm tu.lepastu bilik miyah pula.x pernah melekat.pukul 3 ke 4 juga aku bangun dan decide untuk pulang ke bilik.tak kira lah tempat tu keras mana,yang penting aku sampai bilik aku.dekat shah alam ni pon.tepat pukul 4.aku cari jalan balik.miyah pon dah boleh agak.cuma tunggu pukul 4,lalu kuranglah sorang dlm bilik die.
dan aku juga seorang yang sayang akan barang barang aku.sayang sangat sampai aku dah tetapkan syarat bila sesiapa nak guna barang aku.huh aku jadi resah bila orang guna lama lama,sbb aku dapat rasa kesakitan barang aku.aku jadi marah bila orang ambil barang aku tanpa kebenaran.walaupon orang tu keluarga aku sendiri.aku tak tau knp dgn diri ni.-.- mungkin aku cuma mahukan orang tu minta izin?pelik pon pelik.aku sangt sayg akan laptop juga merupakan laptop aku yang pertama.dan juga antara barang privacy aku yang aku jaga.begitu juga dengan hp.hmm habit yang sukar dikikis.tapi,mungkin ini akan memberi benefit untuk aku pada masa akan dtg?wallahualam.
okay,fna dah pon bangun untuk perform solah asar.maka dengan itu,secara automatiknya fna dinobatkan sebagai pemenang dalam permainan tidur.hihi kejap lagi bila semua dah bangun,boleh lah kami menjamu selera beramai ramai.insyallah.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
sometimes i don't understand people.sue anna joe maria elena or anyone lah yang dikenali melalui blog mereka.why do these people have haters eh?i was wondering lah in a long time ledy.i mean mmg lah semua orang buat salah but but but,all they did was post videos and write on their which part did they invade YOUR space?it's either you went to their blog or they search for you which is impossible for them to know you know the reason -.- i mean mesti lah one day you decided that "oh siapa sue anna joe ni?siapa maria elena?hmm nk search lah"...after 5 videos or 10 dah habis tengok "ewwww gediknyewwww mereka ni!apa ni apa ni?!" dan juga x masuk akal lah kalau ou tengok die in one day terus mesti asyik visit,tengok update diorang semua ni.tapi awak kate awak x suka mereka?knp nak search lagi?hmmm
aku pernah lah kan beli buku bintang kecil dan menconteng arang pada muka diorang. LITERALLY .sbb apa?sbb x dapat jadi cover T_T sobsss haa mcm tu je lah.and sometimes tengok orang cantik memang lah tercalit sikit rase cemburu tu.atau mungkin hay-derss ni semua rse benda yang sama?tp x de sbb untuk benci bukan?itu kelebihan diorang knp kita nak marah diorang?knp u tak tanya tuhan je?haa tindakan uolss ni mcm mencabar kejadian tuhan yang juga dimana satu tindakan yang salah.marilah ikut tindakan saya yang sering senyum pada diri sendiri bila tengok kat cermin dan kata "aku cantik" and walk away.minta semoga hari yang anda lalui penuh dengan berkat dari-NYA.
i am trying to let go all these prasangka buruk,benci marah dengki cemburu.biar die pergi jauh jauh sbb ni semua traits syaitonnirojim.bila ade rase x puas hati tu istifargh.dan cuba aku berjaya buat 4 kali je kot -.- major fail at life.haih xpe least kita mencuba bukan?
Sunday, June 17, 2012
i heard that today is father's day?is it true?al-maklumlah,sudah 6 tahun tak sambut hehe okay ini lawak sedih sangat ni T_T
it has been six years since daddy left us.ini kalau ayah masih hidup,mesti aku dah tak kenal ayah sebab dah 6 tahun tak jumpa.-.- i once tanam this dream to go to makkah.cause for some reason,i wanted to meet ayah.even nampak someone looked exactly like him would make me lepas rindu?you know if ayah were here,i'd run up to him and hug him pastu cakap "where have you been ayah?" huh haraapaaan.aku harap ayah aku sekarang berada bersama orang orang yang beriman insyaallah.semoga ayah happy disana.
i would like to talk more about him tapi,i've said enough.daddy was my hero,my inspiration and forever will be.
Friday, June 15, 2012
i am super exhausted,tired,fatigued,worn out,drained,zonked,wasted,knocked out and everything that has anything to do with the word tired.gosh,will this shit load ever end?my head is over-thinking,whispering and worried of what will happen next week.2 times harder?i know.i have to cope with what i've gotten myself into.i want this and i should do this.why am i giving up so early? :(
i am a wrack.i am updating this on an on going class of madam Fatimahtuzahara' and note that if she does read this blog....she'd kill me for misspelling her name -.-.malaysian legal studies is somewhat a subject that looks so hard on the outside but a delicate one on the inside.though i still can't think of it as 'easy' -.- there's a lot to sink in and of course a lot to memorize.can i do this YA ALLAH?insyaallah i can.
Monday, June 11, 2012
happy birthday to me :')
okay so today was super fun and how i wish i could just post these pictures and let you guys figure out what happened but the story must be was fun to me :')
okay so it all began when yesterday was my birthday :) and so,these pretty gals decided to take me to watch a movie "madagascar 3" katanya -.- i was super excited from yesterday haha cause everyone is talking about the movie kan so i wanted tu watch lah.i thought we were going to bukit raja but NOT.i finally dapat pergi setia city mall :) pergi pergi,sheryn kata die nak jumpa dengan kawan die.i was devastated lah kan sbb ingat nak jalan sesama ekekeke then i dengan tia pon jelajah the whole was big but enough shops for me.i mean everything is there.u name on?pappa rich?tgif?tony roma's? yeap.a perfect place for me and the girls :) so some pictures were taken on our way there
so bila dah arrive the place,sheryn went to see her friend while me and tia were struggling searching for the friggin atm-.- there were a lot of things i wanted to buy tapi apakan daya,tempat baru,atm pon baru lah kan -.- lepas dah jalan punya lama,then tia kate,nak pergi tony roma's kejap,meet sheryn's friend and then belah tempat lain. ....
tedenggg!happy birthday!!! kata sheryn (in a less energetic way)
and all the makanan was ready :')
setelah kenyang makan,the left overs.haha
then sheryn and tia gave me this :) :
sheryn and tia also demanded for some balloons to be tied up dekat meja kitorang.
and also they changed the play list dekat tony roma's which includes my favorite song
"we are young " :')
thank you and sorry for doubting you guys :')
at first i didn't believed that they changed the play list for me then tia cakap
"haish kau ni,kitorang siapa minta die ikat belon tau".
haha masa tu baru prasan ade belon kat meja ktorang.
baik sangat ni!
then we cam-whored.
then this came to our table :')
and as you can see,i had to tiup the lilin guna straw -.-
i never really liked cupcakes before but these from wondermilk,
you guys should really try them.they're super nice ! :D
thank you to these two prettay ladies for making this happen.hmm i'm sorry i wasn't that surprised cause i never had a surprise birthday before heheh terkaku kejap,there's a lot to take in.thank you again.i'm super excited and happy:D
some pictures are not so clear sebab tia took it from shery's ipad.tangkap guna my phone.faham x?ke x?hmm kbai.
today was awesome :D
Sunday, June 10, 2012
french project.
alhamdulillah,the clock strikes 00:00 and i am now officially 20 years old.20 years of witnessing the purity of life and after much perseverance,here i am standing with perfect health and people around me whom are just perfect.a long journey it is.i get to feel the topsy-turvy of life,the saying "life is like a roller coaster" and all in all,the bittersweet of life. it took me a long time to figure how can life be as similar as us,riding a roller coaster?then i came across life is full with ups and down and so i related that with the roller coaster thingy and equaled to roller coasters go up and down and go around.but still,what does that has anything to do with life? oh my,of course.
- you can't always get what you want
- life is not according to you
- you will cry at any end of a day
- life is not perfect
- you can't always be happy
- everyone doesnt like you,only a few.
- people come and go and you have to cope with the sadness
- people change,places do too and so does weather.
- not all guys can be trusted
- chances are,you will not get the nice ones
- people hate you for no reason
- people like you for no reason
- you are beautiful only to you but not to people
- you need friends,and fuck to those who said you dont need one
- bitches are bitches
- guys will ignore you if you open up to them,and no it's not like in the movies.
- when life hands you lemon,don't take it.
- be happy and forget what people think
- you are actually important to your haters,cause you are their life,w/o you,they have no main subject and so they will fail in life.
- smile,fake,slap,backstab,laugh sarcastically or speak in such tone, do whatever hell did marilyn monroe do,these are just virtues of surviving life.
- do not be too nice,too clod or too proud.
- then how should you act?figure it out.
- people will come up to you and say mean things,you smile,and walk away.
- no no need to flip your hair.
- people don't like to smile and so don't smile randomly to people.
- be skinny cause you'll be more popular and oh be beautiful,but if you're not,maybe do something w your personality.if it sucks,then good luck.
- dress appropriately,no showing a lot of'll get raped.
- the number 23 is not don't be obsessed with it.
- ignore number 28.
- be happy with your life as it is,cause no matter what you do to yourself,only you could change the story of your life and only you could face is like a fairytale,except,you are the why wanna live in suffer when you can make it with colors?though yes,storm and stone and stick will be thrown to you but the hell,you could always backspace it or erase it.always start new each day.
you are welcome with these guidelines.alhamdulillah,i get to be in a roller coaster and actually feel the burden and the hate and the annoyance and the sarcasm and and and more.yes i get to be in the "wild ride" if you may. :)
thank you all for the wishes :) i feel loved.thank you
to those who have just started life,good luck finding your way out.
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Thursday, June 7, 2012
kota london.
aku bersyukur sangat sebab aku dapat merasa ke tempat orang sedari kecil. eceh sedari -.- i was scrolling through hanis zalikha's mum punya blog.she went to london.some of the photos she took were the places ive been to.i miss those i wish i liked camwhroring back then.boleh amek a lot of pictures.out of all the places ive been to,london is my favorite.from the first time i went there sehingga lah kali keempat memang bila dapat soalan dari ayah "cuti semggu nnt nak pergi london x?" aku orang pertama yang menjerit.x lupa juga pada tempat tepat seperti switzerland,spain,paris,holland hong kong australia.tempat ni semua best juga tapi london menjadi tumpuan aku.bila cuti panjang x pergi london aku x pe ayah aku dah gantikan dengan tenpat tempat lain.sebenanrnya kadang2 aku tanya,apa motif ke negara orang sedangkan negara sendiri semua dah ade?then aku pon jawab pada diri sendiri, ni semua kan kejadian tuhan,aku antara yang bertuah sebab dapat witness first hand kecantikan ni semua.alhamdulillah.tapi sampai sekrang aku cemburu gila bila tengok orang orang ke merata tempat.sejak ayah dah takde,x dpt dah nak kemana.ibu x brani nak ke negara orang sebab tiada least bila ade ayah,ayah boleh lead the way,he was the one yang cari kan hotel and all the tour mase dekat dad was an adventurer.mase dekat switzerland,he drove and we figured the places sebab ayah dah tau jalan jadi tak perlu tour.alhamdulillah sekali lagi.sebelum ayah meninggal dulu,ayah nak bawa kitorg ke italy tapi tak kesampaian.jadinya aku sampai sekarang tanam niat untuk kesana.insyaallah satu hari nnt aku akan melangkah kesana.
aku juga sedih bila ibu menghalang ayah untuk beli rumah di london.arrgghhh! kalau tak boleh aku ulang alik :(
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